Europress EQ Range
Standard Equipment
- All stainless steel design
- Polished press drum for easy cleaning
- Solid frame with fixed side parts
- Internal compressed air supply with high-performance compressor
- High volume vacuum pump with double function: pre-blower and evacuation
- Drive motor with rotational speed, clockwise and counter clockwise rotation
Options Variety
- Catwalk in stainless steel execution
- Remote control for the drum
- Cleaning system for the outside of the drum
- Pomace auger with inclination
- Press & juice tray extensions
Find out more, download the brochure:

Choose from a 15hl (1,050kg) to 320hl (22,400kg) whole grapes model in open style press

Open style press system press drum sizes
In an open press system, one side of the press drum has very narrow conical slots. The shape and arrangement of these slots guarantees the highest juice quality and prevents the slots from clogging tray.
- Large filling door opening
- Gentle pressing
- Efficient pressing times due to large juice draining surface
- Easy to clean

Choose from a 15hl (1,050kg) to 320hl (22,400kg) whole grapes model in open style press

Closed style press system press drum sizes
In a closed press system, the press drum is equipped with hinged or removable draining channels with very narrow slots. Through the outlet slots, the juice flows directly into the juice pan.
- Gentle pressing
- Large juice draining surface
- Perfectly suited for must holding time and must fermentation
- Easy to clean due to hinged or removable interior juice channels